Saturday, September 20, 2008

A look at 2 John - Part 3

If someone were to ask you what the book of 2 John was about, the answer would be “truth and love.” I guess if someone were to ask you what being a Christian was all about, the answer would also be “truth and love.” Truth and love go hand and hand. They are weaved throughout the words and pages of scripture. In fact, in John’s writings alone (John, 1, 2, 3 John, Revelation), he uses the word love 117 times. He uses the word truth 47 times. These are major themes from the “disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 21:20). It is good to be reminded that this man who spent 3 years with Jesus writes, “Love means doing what God has commanded us…” (v.6). And what is it that God has commanded us to do? “Love one another” (v.6). Where did John get this? Look at John 13:34 “So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.”

Love always involves the truth. This is especially true for Christians. We all have a variety of relationships. We are children and brothers and sisters and cousins and friends. We all have people that we are close to. There are also people that we come into contact with everyday at school or work. I believe that John is telling us that we are to love them all. That doesn’t mean that we are never going to mess up and say or do the wrong thing sometimes. Perfection is not the point.

The love that John is talking about is not complicated. I think it is as easy as sharing your life with those around you. And to the degree that your life reflects the truth of Jesus Christ, you will be loving as Christ loved. When our life is filled up with the truth of Jesus Christ we are better able to pour love into those around us. I am not talking about some weird kind of mushy love. I am talking about being yourself, with all of the gifts and ability and personality that God gave you. And then unselfishly sharing yourself with others.

1. Who in your life is hard to love?

2. Think of one thing that you can do to show that person love.

3. Spend some time praying and thanking God for the truth of his Son Jesus Christ.


Anonymous September 21, 2008 at 5:37 PM  
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Anonymous September 23, 2008 at 7:26 PM  

these short snippets of truth you are sharing are very encouraging. they are little bytes I can read on my iPhone RSS Reader that inspire me to be more Christ like...

here are my answers...

1) I tend to love those who are most like me but I need to love everyone regardless of our lack of similarity

2) There's one guy I need to take out to dinner just to show him I think he's a great guy. He is very stand off ish but I could break the ice even though he does not.

3) I thank God that he approves of me through Jesus. And that God can make all things new. And I thank God he gives me His Spirit so I can do all things like love others as they need to be loved.

About This Blog

Name: Ross Strader

Age: 37

Birthday: March 6

College: Hardin-Simmons

Graduate: Hardin-Simmons

Seminary: Dallas Theological

Major: M.A. Family Psychology;

Th.M Pastoral Leadership

“The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy; but I have come that you might have life, and have it abundantly.” -Jesus (John 10:10)

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