Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Worship Confessional (10.08.08)

Ok... believe it or not, I actually have a worship confessional. I had the great privilege to be apart of the worship team tonight at the Youth Group "Gathering."
So, here is my worship confessional alongside Todd Wright's worship confessional about the same event. The accounts are similar... but not identical.



I'm looking forward to the next time!


Romack October 8, 2008 at 11:11 PM  


I play drums for that reason - I forget things way too easily.

Surely Todd will let you have another shot...I used to have a cowbell in my setup and I play with him all the time now.

Rodriguez_Family October 9, 2008 at 10:48 PM  

The Ross Strader I know is a minor guitar god. He used to wear his "Winger" t-shirt and roll up the sleeves when we would jam....

The first time we jammed, I remember him telling me: "Capo?! I don't need no stinkin' capo"

Actually......I think that was the only time we jammed


Caroline October 11, 2008 at 5:18 PM  

Do you two ever do anything but blog, twitter, and make videos...Smithies must be workin his tail off to make up for you slackers

ross October 17, 2008 at 3:36 PM  

i do lots of other things... I also have an iPhone with about 12 apps that keeps me pretty busy too.

Oh the "winger" shirt! - well... I don't actually remember it THAT way... but, ordinarily, I wouldn't need a stinkin' capo

cowbell is the next instrument I am planning on mastering. maybe I can be on a t-shirt after that?

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