Sunday, November 23, 2008

If anyone is still reading

My apologies to you if you still read this... this blog has sucked lately. I mean totally sucked. I have been on a dry spell. I have not taken the time to be creative.

Creativity takes time. I don't know if it does for everyone, but it does for me. I have to carve out time to think. Not a lot of time, but enough that I can step out of the routine and look at things from different angles. I sometimes joke that I am a "creative black-hole." What I mean is that creativity takes some time and thought for me and I usually get into a groove of getting things done, that I don't stop to evaluate or reflect on what I'm doing.

Creativity also requires a little bit of risk. It means doing something, to some degree, in a new way. Not all creativity has to be new or novel, but for me it often times means stepping out of the comfort of my routine or thinking to take a risk with a new perspective or idea. It means writing about something I know and talk about in a different way. It means thinking about different words and phrases to describe things I've thought for a long time. It means looking for fresh and stimulating word pictures or images to replace the images that have become stale in my mind. For me, it means interacting with my "stuff" in a different way. Reading a different book, working in a different program, listening to some different music, talking to some new people. All of these things stimulate my mind and gets me thinking in ways that are helpful and productive. "Producing" for me can be the enemy of "productive."

Finally, I think creativity means a little failure. Not all the "creativity" that happens is going to be good, interesting, helpful or result in praise. But, that is ok. Taking the time to risk a little creativity will mean that I might hear, "that was ... well, weird." OK, I've done things like that. But, I want to embrace it as an opportunity to learn. Creativity leads to learning... and I love to learn. I like learning about myself, my vocation, my God, my gifts, ability. Learning has a way of making me feel alive. It is worth it.

So, this week (Thanksgiving week), I plan to read a couple of books, spend some time out of my routine praying, thinking, writing about things I don't usually take the time for. I plan to take some walks at odd times. I plan to sleep in a little. I am planning time with people I don't usually see. I'm looking forward to taking some risks. I can't wait.

I'm interested in what you do to spark creativity and what you have learned in the process... anyone?


Steve Bezner November 24, 2008 at 10:38 AM  

Have you read McManus's An Unstoppable Force?

How about The Artist's Way?

Tom McKeand November 24, 2008 at 10:44 AM  

Hey, I'm still reading. Your blog has not sucked. Mine on the other hand might sip a little.

Scott November 24, 2008 at 6:12 PM  

Im just glad to see your still alive.Creativity is a tough encounter even for creative people. Think about it, if you really hit a creative homerun then everyone wants a grand slam the next at bat. Wow what kinda pressure is that. Have a great creative week

ross November 24, 2008 at 10:35 PM  

Bezner, I haven't read either of those books... they sound good

Tom - I want more of your blog man!

Scott - so right

Arthur James Isbell December 8, 2008 at 10:34 PM  

Do you still read posts? I hope so. Here's what I wanted to say in Abilene about creativity: Hemingway argues that you should just put pencil to paper...whatever comes to mind, or just a series of nonsense observations until you notice you've written that "one true sentence." Erase everything before that sentence, and then keep writing from there. I very rarely have the courage to follow Hem's advice, but I think it's transcendental advice nevertheless. Keep writing, my friend.

About This Blog

Name: Ross Strader

Age: 37

Birthday: March 6

College: Hardin-Simmons

Graduate: Hardin-Simmons

Seminary: Dallas Theological

Major: M.A. Family Psychology;

Th.M Pastoral Leadership

“The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy; but I have come that you might have life, and have it abundantly.” -Jesus (John 10:10)

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